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Landslide Susceptibility Assessment based on Information Value Model

in Amzaz Watershed in Norther

This paper aims to identify potential areas of landslides in the Amzaz watershed in northern Morocco with its precarious environmental balance using the Information Value (IV) Model. Van Westen (1994) defines bivariate methods as a modified form of the quantitative map combination with the exception that weightings are assigned based upon the statistical relationship between past landslides and various factor maps, individual factor maps (independent variable). A set of factor maps were overlaid with a landslide map (dependent variable) to create cross-tabulations for each one and class. The landslide inventory is used to result in the susceptibility maps for better mitigation of the risks and losses related to this phenomenon. The results demonstrated that the percentage of rotational landslides varies between 8.79 and 30.08%, and between 9.79 and 23.36% for translational slides susceptibility in the Amzaz watershed.

Vol. 2, nº 2, 2020, 3-19. ISSN: 2184-626X

Abdelhak El-fengour, University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra. Morocco/University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain,

Carlos Bateira, Riskam, CEG, Universidade de Lisboa/Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, Portugal,

Hanifa El motaki, University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra. Morocco/University of Santiago de Compostela Spain,

J. Horacio García, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain,

Physis Terrae, Revista Ibero-Afro-Americana de Geografia Física e Ambiente

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